The Input component allows you to change the input size, add disabled, helper text, and floating label.
Input Sizes # User the size prop to change the input size. Choose one from ‘sm:text-md’ | ‘text-sm’ | ‘sm:text-xs’. The default size is text-sm.
< script>
import { Label, Input } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
</ script>
< div class = " mb-6" >
< Label for = " large-input" class = " block mb-2" > Large input</ Label>
< Input id = " large-input" size = " lg" placeholder = " Large input" />
</ div>
< div class = " mb-6" >
< Label for = " default-input" class = " block mb-2" > Default input</ Label>
< Input id = " default-input" placeholder = " Default input" />
</ div>
< div class = " mb-6" >
< Label for = " small-input" class = " block mb-2" > Small input</ Label>
< Input id = " small-input" size = " sm" placeholder = " Small input" />
</ div> Disabled # Get started with this example if you want to apply the disabled state to an input field. Add the disabled to change the input to disabled.
< script>
import { Label, Input } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
</ script>
< Input id = " disabled-input" class = " mb-6" disabled value = " Disabled input" />
< Input id = " disabled-input-2" class = " mb-6" disabled readonly value = " Disabled readonly input" /> Helper text # Use the helper prop to add your helper text. You can use HTML in the helper text.
< script>
import { Label, Input, Helper } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
</ script>
< Label class = " block mb-2" > Your email</ Label>
< Input label = " Email" id = " email" name = " email" required placeholder = "" />
< Helper class = " text-sm mt-2" >
We’ll never share your details. Read our < a href = " /" class = " font-medium text-primary-600 hover:underline dark:text-primary-500" > Privacy Policy </ a>
</ Helper> Input element with icon # With the Input component, you can add Heroicons or other icon sets .
< script>
import { Label, Input, InputAddon, ButtonGroup } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
import { Icon } from 'flowbite-svelte-icons' ;
</ script>
< div class = " mb-6" >
< Label for = " input-group-1" class = " block mb-2" > Your Email</ Label>
< Input id = " email" type = " email" placeholder = "" >
< Icon name = " envelope-solid" slot = " left" class = " w-5 h-5 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400" />
</ Input>
</ div> Input element with addon # < script>
import { Label, Input, InputAddon, ButtonGroup } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
import { Icon } from 'flowbite-svelte-icons' ;
</ script>
< div class = " mb-6" >
< Label for = " website-admin" class = " block mb-2" > Username</ Label>
< ButtonGroup class = " w-full" >
< InputAddon>
< Icon name = " user-circle-solid" class = " w-4 h-4 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400" />
</ InputAddon>
< Input id = " website-admin" placeholder = " elonmusk" />
</ ButtonGroup>
</ div> Form validation # Use the following example to apply validation styles for success and error messages.
< script>
import { Label, Input, Helper } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
</ script>
< div class = " mb-6" >
< Label for = " success" color = " green" class = " block mb-2" > Your name</ Label>
< Input id = " success" color = " green" placeholder = " Success input" />
< Helper class = " mt-2" color = " green" >
< span class = " font-medium" > Well done!</ span>
Some success message.
</ Helper>
</ div>
< div class = " mb-6" >
< Label for = ' error' color = ' red' class = ' block mb-2' > Your name</ Label>
< Input id = ' error' color = ' red' placeholder = " Error input" />
< Helper class = ' mt-2' color = ' red' > < span class = " font-medium" > Not so well done!</ span> Some error message.</ Helper>
</ div> Textarea # < script>
import { Textarea } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
let textareaprops = {
id : 'message' ,
name : 'message' ,
label : 'Your message' ,
rows : 4 ,
placeholder : 'Leave a comment...'
} ;
</ script>
< Textarea { ... textareaprops} /> Select input # Get started with the default example of a select input component to get a single option selection.
Select an option
Choose option ... United States Canada France
< script>
import { Label, Select } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
let selected;
let countries = [
{ value : 'us' , name : 'United States' } ,
{ value : 'ca' , name : 'Canada' } ,
{ value : 'fr' , name : 'France' }
] ;
</ script>
< Label>
Select an option
< Select class = " mt-2" items= { countries} bind: value={ selected} />
</ Label> MultiSelect # United States Canada France Japan England < script>
import { MultiSelect } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
let selected = [ ] ;
let countries = [
{ value : 'us' , name : 'United States' } ,
{ value : 'ca' , name : 'Canada' } ,
{ value : 'fr' , name : 'France' } ,
{ value : 'jp' , name : 'Japan' } ,
{ value : 'en' , name : 'England' }
] ;
</ script>
< MultiSelect items= { countries} bind: value={ selected} /> Checkbox # < script>
import { Checkbox } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
</ script>
< Checkbox> Default checkbox</ Checkbox>
< Checkbox checked > Checked state</ Checkbox> Radio buttons # < script>
import { Radio } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
</ script>
< Radio name = " example" > Default radio</ Radio>
< Radio name = " example" checked= { true } > Checked state</ Radio> File upload # < script>
import { Label, Fileupload } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
let fileuploadprops = {
id : 'user_avatar'
} ;
let fileuploadprops2 = {
id : 'user_avatar2'
} ;
</ script>
< Label class = " pb-2" > Upload file</ Label>
< Fileupload { ... fileuploadprops} /> Toggle Switch # < script>
import { Toggle } from 'flowbite-svelte' ;
</ script>
< Toggle> Toggle me</ Toggle>
< Toggle checked= { true } > Checked toggle</ Toggle>
< Toggle disabled > Disabled toggle</ Toggle>
< Toggle checked disabled > Disabled checked</ Toggle> Component data # The component has the following props, type, and default values. See types page for type information.
To learn how to overwrite classes, please refer to the individual component pages.
Input # Props Name Type Default type InputType 'text' value any undefined size FormSizeType | undefined undefined defaultClass string 'block w-full disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50' color 'base' | 'green' | 'red' 'base' floatClass string 'flex absolute inset-y-0 items-center text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400'
Events Names on:blur on:change on:click on:contextmenu on:focus on:keydown on:keypress on:keyup on:mouseover on:mouseenter on:mouseleave on:paste on:input
Label # Props Name Type Default color 'gray' | 'green' | 'red' | 'disabled' 'gray' defaultClass string 'text-sm font-medium block' show boolean true
Helper # Props Name Type Default helperClass string 'text-xs font-normal text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-300' color 'gray' | 'green' | 'red' | 'disabled' 'gray'
Fileupload # Props Name Type Default value string '' files FileList | undefined undefined inputClass string 'border !p-0 dark:text-gray-400'
Events Names on:change on:keyup on:keydown on:keypress on:focus on:blur on:click on:mouseover on:mouseenter on:mouseleave on:paste
Textarea # Props Name Type Default value any undefined wrappedClass string 'block w-full text-sm border-0 px-0 bg-inherit dark:bg-inherit focus:outline-none focus:ring-0' unWrappedClass string 'p-2.5 text-sm focus:ring-primary-500 focus:border-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:border-primary-500' innerWrappedClass string 'py-2 px-4 bg-white dark:bg-gray-800'
Events Names on:blur on:change on:click on:contextmenu on:focus on:input on:keydown on:keypress on:keyup on:mouseenter on:mouseleave on:mouseover on:paste
Select # Props Name Type Default items SelectOptionType[] [] value any undefined placeholder string 'Choose option ...' underline boolean false size 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' 'md' defaultClass string 'text-gray-900 bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 rounded-lg focus:ring-primary-500 focus:border-primary-500 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:border-primary-500' underlineClass string 'text-gray-500 bg-transparent border-0 border-b-2 border-gray-200 appearance-none dark:text-gray-400 dark:border-gray-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-0 focus:border-gray-200 peer'
Events Names on:change on:contextmenu on:input
MultiSelect # Props Name Type Default color FormColorType 'primary' custom boolean false inline boolean false group (string | number)[] [] value string | number 'on' checked boolean | undefined undefined spacing string 'mr-2'
Events Names on:keyup on:keydown on:keypress on:focus on:blur on:click on:mouseover on:mouseenter on:mouseleave on:paste on:change on:change
Checkbox # Props Name Type Default spacing string 'mr-2' color FormColorType 'primary' custom boolean false inline boolean false group number | string '' value number | string ''
Events Names on:blur on:change on:click on:focus on:keydown on:keypress on:keyup on:mouseenter on:mouseleave on:mouseover on:paste
Radio # Props Name Type Default size 'small' | 'default' | 'large' | 'custom' 'default' group (string | number)[] [] value string | number '' checked boolean | undefined undefined customSize string ''
Toggle # Props Name Type Default items SelectOptionType[] [] value (string | number)[] [] size FormSizeType 'md' dropdownClass string ''
Events Names on:click on:focusout on:close on:click on:click on:click
References #